Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Do you use wresting slang in real life?

Is it weird if i use wrestling slang in real life when i'm dealing with non wrestling situatiions|||It's funny. When I'm talking about wrestling to my causal wrestling fans, I use slang and they have not clue what I'm talking about. I may have said promo a couple of times in non wrestling related situations, but that could be anything. I don't think I've ever dropped words like heel, face, shoot, or kayfabe in a conversation. But there might have been a few times where I had to stop myself. It would be kinda awkward when you say a wrestling term and somebody actually asks you what you mean. "WTF do you mean I'm a jobber?" Lol funny stuff.

*STARRED*.|||It's not weird at all, but I would imagine that people who don't anything about wrestling might be confused.|||Lol, sometimes I actually do.|||I use job quite often. Otherwise, no.|||no

Edge vs John Cena,seriously,no heel,no face,no storylines or any of that,just pure wresting?

Edge vs John Cena,I think Edge would win by roll up(his old method of winnng if he can't win by Spear,Edge-e-cution,Edge-e-cator etc) after like twenty five minutes|||For sure~ a regular wrestling match with no outside factors %26amp; Edge would have the skills %26amp; smarts to beat Cena in a close match with the Edgecator.|||john cena. he is way stronger and more talented. i dont care what everyone says about him. he is good.|||John cena Over everyone but edge has vickie curt zac and charvo|||no gimmicks, in a real fight I'd say cena, I like edge better but cena is younger and healthier.

Can you choke somebody out in High School Wresting?

NO, against the rules of high school league wrestling|||what an awful answer

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|||it depends on how its done. you cant just rear naked coke him but if you get a tight headlock and he happens to go out then no rules are broken|||To qualify why Dave's and Matthew's answers are both correct: a choke out is not a recognized win, but because at the highschool level wrestlers are not taught to defend against chokes some moves such as the headlock and crosslock could cause an opponent who is not trained in submission to panic and get choked out. As long as you have an arm in the lock, it's not considered a choke and if you have at least one body part like a knee, head, or shoulder against the ground other than your feet, you can hold it as long as you want.|||no it's more takedowns and holding down on the mats.|||Yes but you may not|||No you can't as the rules are pretty strict about this and don't allow any holds or chokes that put stress on or compromise an airway, or joint. Also the scoring is such and pin falls are awarded when a wrestler exposes and has his back on the mat for only a fast two count at which time the match is over. While you can score points for escapes, reversals, take-downs and also keeping your opponent in a pinning predicament and be awarded a win that way by accumulating more points than your opponent at no time can you execute a hold that violates that rule and the referee will call it immediately and stop a wrestler from doing so. High school referees attend certification seminars and are trained on what to look for and what are the more common chokes and holds to watch out for.

Who would win a Chinese finger wresting contest between Jesus and God?

Jesus would. At least there is a possibility of a man named Jesus living.|||Repent and be saved|||Jesus (because being a "chip off the old Block", God would let Him win. :) ).|||Hmmm, i would say god, i mean, jesus can part water, walk on water, revive people, but honestly, how can this come in handy in a finger wrestling contest?|||God made Jesus in hes own image... Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father God... Jesus is his son

God , Son %26amp; the Holy Spirit|||they both would win since they are the same person|||A good Father would let his Son win,

and then make him feel guilty about it! ;)|||BE NOT DECEIVED, GOD SHALL NOT BE MOCKED.

WHATEVER A MAN SOWS SO SHALL HE REAP.|||silly person. Jesus is God. The Holy Spirit is also God. Father God is GOd, all three operating as one in the Godhead, called the BLessed trinity. There is no competition there, all in unity with each other, each with a specific purpose all working together.

Who will win on this earth?? Those that find Jesus and have salvation. Those that dont are lost.

I pray everyone will find JEsus in time.... WE must choose Him before we die or He returns to take us home. Run to Him today, HE waits, and is so eager to forgive.|||They are the same person. Go read the bible, kid.|||dont mess with the holy side.because you have no idea who your messing with.

Professional Wresting in Nashville?

Hello. I am trying to find a professional wrestling school in Nashville, TN or surrounding areas to start training to wrestle in. I have minimal experience and do not even no where to get started. I have been waiting to train to wrestle for years while I was in the Marines.

Can someone help me?|||ATL WRESTLING will get you into the wwe... which is in nashville.

Education level of the AVERAGE wresting fan?

HS Dropout?



A few year in college?





Where does your education level apply(as a FAN)?|||PhD|||3rd grade for most! Speaking of uneducated: "Two college degrees, about to get a third." is not a sentence!!!! LMFAO!!! Oh and by the way Clancy it was your mammy not mine that you are referring too! Oh and you are correct Clancy, it was a fragment and not a sentence! I was telling you it was not a sentence you moron!!!|||no i.q needed.|||You mean how much I know about wrestling?

Probably a Masters!!!!|||Two college degrees, about to get a third. Also, I'd like to take a moment to make fun of slim baller's inability to use "they're" correctly while he's trying to talk about how uneducated wrestling fans are.


It's a sentence *fragment*, you retard. Have you ever read a book? They're quite frequently used, especially in conversational speech. Perhaps you've overheard them before in statements like "Your mom? Total whore." and "Paul V? Short bus."

ROFLOMGWTFBBQ!!1!|||most are college graduates in many different degree fields.|||im in high school|||PhD|||NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS, and we see your level CHILD to bad mouth people for their intrest in something. You have no right to judge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!|||their all hs dropouts...|||HSD. But that's irrelevant when pertaining to the current events unless you specialize in the field as the investigating sources.|||middle school|||I dont watch it anymore since Rock and Stone Cold left so I havent watch in a good 4 or 5 yrs and I was in college then

Wresting fans how do you feel about Umaga dieing even though you dont care about him?

Dont believe me?

http://sports.yahoo.com/mma/news?slug=ys鈥?/a>|||I never really cared for Umaga in WWE,but of course it makes me feel bad to hear that he died.Nobody deserves to lose their life at a young age,so yes I feel sad about it.I wish the very best for his family and I hope he rests in peace.|||Its nothing against the man as a person. Its just his whole gimmick in wrestling was frankly fairly stupid and what i didnt like about him. The idea of a wildman from the jungles who can not speak any language and only grunts and snarls has been overdone so many times its not entertaining anymore.

Had he went with a different gimmick/character i believe he would have been more accepted and a bigger star.|||I believe you that is saying he's DEAD.

Every year, one or more wrestlers die.|||nobody wants anyone to die. its tragic. he had a terrible gimmick but that wasnt his fault. he was great in the ring which covered for his over the top samoan character.|||Well i always thought that all wrestlers made up the WWE and when some of them die you know its just not the same