Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Anyone do or did wresting, tips please?

like in one of my other questions i mentioned my cuz wanted to do wrestling. well, i was wondering if there are any good moves for middle school wrestling she can do. or even some tips. she does know the full and half nelson, and had had them both used on her along with the sleeper hold by her friends dad(she almost passed out cuz she wouldn't give up). her heart has been set on doing wrestling since last year, and i really want her to do good. thanks 4 ur help.|||I assume that she wants to do amateur wrestling as part of a school team... not the "pro" stuff on TV like WWE.

To be honest, the best thing to do right now is to forget about holds and moves. She should start building up endurance by running, doing pushups, crunches, pullups, etc. Once she is on the wrestling team, she will learn all of the moves as part of practice. But practice is a really draining, difficult experience. The more in-shape she is now, the better she will be able to learn the moves during practice.|||as a person that posts here that actually wrestles (not on a trampoline or in a backyard)... here's some advice

#1 you can forget being good at the sleeper hold. wrestling is fake. you don't actually apply any pressure when doing the move.

#2 if someone is in middle school, there at least 6 years away from actually being able to train to be a wrestler. i'd suggest taking up high school wrestling when they get there. that helped me out on my mat skills.|||TELL HER TO JOIN THE WRESTLING TEAM AND THE COACH WILL TEACH HER.|||roll back then full nelson or head lock the opponent

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