Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Hii guyz, how are you? i have a question about wresting? ?

my question is-- Is wresting real or drama/fake? i asked so much people some of them says it is fake others told me it's real. which one you think is true? will you help me out? thankssss alot|||The word fake is not a good one here. It's a legite entertainment industry with real people taking real bumps and getting real money. If you have never been to a show I highly recommend it. I have been to several and it is better live. All that said lets break down a few of the basics.

The corner posts that are covered are padded, the ring has padding (not much though) and there is a spring underneath it. There is a mic under the ring which is used to make u think they are hitting the ring really hard. Most of wrestling is like illusions. So if you like magic and soap operas you probably will get into it. Most of the blood you see coming from the stars themselves is from whats called bladding. And what looks like a super kick from the corner is really just a guy holding up his leg and the other one running into it. The chops on the side are not hard or as some would say they use an open fist instead of a closed fist. This lessons the impact. The lifts are a team effort. The slamming of the head ont he steps is the guy using his arm to protect his head. Basically what I'm saying is they are master illusionists/entertainers and are very phyically fit and they do get injured. It's not for everyone to get into. It's something your either good at or not. There is a lot of script writing involved and they do discuss who gets the belt or not. Sometimes the writing is just awful and I want to slam the guy who wrote it. But those body slams .... thats real. they take a lot of pain, but they also are trained on how to protect themselves because otherwise there would be more injuries than what they have. When I see them live I can see how they protect themselves...it's the camera angles on TV that make it where we can't see that. I enjoy it just because it's like an action packed soap opera for me. Even knowing how they do all they do it doesn't take away the excitement of seeing my fav guys every week. I like trying to figure out which way the story lines will go and betting my pals to see if I win or not. It's just fun to me and believe it or not it releaves a lot of my stress from classes and raising kids. So I guess my answer to your question is it's real...just understand how the game it played.|||It's drama/fake, but the injuries where superstars are required to get surgery are very much real. It's the greatest form of entertainment in the world, in my opinion.|||Its, a stage show its theater, you feel ever punch and ever powerbomb, just not as bad as its portraded you can find out the secrets to the trade and more here on WWE.com


|||Wrestling is scripted, meaning the outcome of the match is predetermined. But, wrestlers really do put their bodies on the line and suffer real injuries.|||It's a little of both. I don't like the word fake though; I like scripted. The matches and drama are scripted, but at the same time, you can't fake throwing a 300 pound guy off your shoulders. |||im not gunna say the word that starts with F cuz i hate it when people say it is

so yeah it is, its staged its planned out, they actualyl do the stunts and jump off high **** and really do get injured|||It is scripted and pre planned. 95% of what you see in the ring is fake. Anyone that tells you its real is an idiot. |||stop using the word fake. It's a scripted show...with real wrestling. real contact. real injuries. it's sports entertainment :)|||Hey, I'm fine thanks, how bout you?? =)

Well it's fake but it's entertainment. =D

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